Department of Veteran Affairs Community Nursing Services

Services to support War Widows and Veterans to remain independent in their homes however to be eligible to receive these services, you must hold a Gold or a White DVA health card.

DVA’s Community Nursing services

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Community Nursing services help eligible DVA clients receive care in the comfort of their own home. This includes health care and personal care services to meet clinical needs. Nursing services are provided by nursing staff and can include but not limited to:

Clinical Care Needs (Short or Long Term)

Symptom Management

Post-Operative Eye Drops

Palliative Care

Assistance with Medication

Assistance with wound care

How you access community nursing services

You will need to get a referral to community nursing services from a General Practitioner; Specialist; Nurse Practitioner; Treating Doctor or Hospital Discharge Planner.

Once the service provider receives your referral, our registered nurse will assess your clinical needs.

  • The amount and type of care you get will be reviewed regularly by a Registered Nurse, to make sure you are getting the right care, in consultation with you and your General Practitioner.